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Real Warranties

Parts + Labour Warranty.
No Paperwork.

Parts + Labor + Equipment

If something is faulty Voltex will replace the faulty product, credit your time at $90/hour, and cover any equipment costs.

Outlets and Swicthes

No Paperwork.

Faulty? Just call Voltex and your Warranty will be sorted.

Your Ultimate
Selling Tool

Want to win more jobs? How about telling your client that if there's any fault with the product you've installed within 25 Years you'll come back to site free of charge and rectify it because Voltex will cover your parts and labour! Now the Warranty can be your ultimate selling tool.

Outlets and Swicthes

How does Voltex have a
25 Year Parts & Labour Warranty?

Terms & Conditions Apply to Warranty & Returns, Learn More here
Real Warranties
Discover the Advantages of Dealing Direct with the Manufacturer.
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