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Battery Only Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Sealed 10 year Lithium - Wireless Interconnect


7 years warranty

Note: Interconnection software has recently been modified. New version includes "01" marking. Not able to be linked with earlier version. Please contact Voltex if needing assistance.


NZ Building Code - Smoke Alarm Requirements.

From November 2023 the Building Code Acceptable Solutions for Protection from Fire (C/AS1 and C/AS2) will be amended to make interconnected smoke alarms the minimum fire safety system for new built homes and substantial renovations, citing NZS 4514:2021 - Interconnected smoke alarms for Houses. The standard allows for wirelessly or hard-wired interconnection, using either 10 year long-life battery-powered or 240v mains powered alarms. The changes will have a 12-month transition period ending in November 2024.

This standard is available free here.

See 'Installation Requirements download under 'Download' tab to check smoke alarm legislation/ recommendations for your state/ territory.

The Voltex battery powered wireless photoelectric smoke alarm comes with non-replaceable lithium battery that lasts more than 10 years and is fully compliant with all national codes and local building regulations.

Using sophisticated wireless technology, this smoke alarm can interconnect with up to 40 units at distance of up to 100 meters. No wiring is required! The digital radio frequency technology enables the smoke alarm to differentiate signals from other wireless devices, minimizing nuisance alarms.

Pairing the smoke alarms just needs a few minutes and the mounting plate is quick and easy to install, thanks to the customized mounting screws.

Voltex smoke alarms fully comply with national standard AS3786:2014.

Main Video
Pairing SAS115BW
Testing the Wireless Network
Connecting 240v Alarm to Battery Alarm
Factory Reset of Battery Smoke Alarm
Voltex Smoke Alarm Fault Finding
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